Listen, these work! Plain and simple. Do them correctly and you will not be in pain (unless you have something very chronic, in which case contact me and i would be happy to help) and you will have amazing posture at work!
1. Seated foot circles
Rotate your foot, toes, arch, and ankle clockwise, and counter clockwise 15-20x. Then point and flex your foot 15-20x. Make sure to go through a full range of motion, ie- no little or partial rotation, point, and flexes.
2. Seated ankle cross over
After you cross your ankle on top your knee, simply press your knee down towards the ground. You should feel a stretch in your hip and the side of your glute should turn 'on.'
3. Seated pillow squeezes
Sit all the way back in your chair pressing your butt against the back of your chair. Now, keep your feet straight and squeeze a block, a jacket, a pillow, etc... in between your knees. 20-50x
4. Seated arm circles
Rotate your thumbs facing back. Now, actively press your shoulders down (you may feel your lat muscles under your armpit turn on) and preform 'dinner plate' size circles with your arms/hands. Try to keep your arms mostly behind your body. 20-25x
5. Seated doorknob position
Try to copy the picture. The biggest thing is do not hunch or arch through your low back! Do not twist your spine, shoulders down, and keep your feet straight. I actually recommend to place a block, pillow, or jacket in between your knees on this one .