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Jesse Posture Fitness Coach

The most important thing to know is- what solution does your pain type require?

Solution 1: 
Accidents require rehabilitative exercises.
5-10% of all pain is caused from an impact accident like skiing, falling or a car crash.

Solution 2: 
Chronic (long term) pain requires personalized posture exercises.
Gradual aches that progress into pains are 90-95% of all pain.  This is caused from progressive misalignment and tightness. For instance, neck pain from years of computer use, or lower back pain from prolonged sitting with tight, misaligned hips.

Injuries often times are improperly and temporarily treated because professionals only treat the accident and don't treat all of the gradual misalignment that led to the accident.

Work with me if you need an expert in postural exercises and personalized flexibility training


I help with neck, low back, knee, wrist, shoulder, hip, and foot pain.

What I do differently, is I use exercise to strengthen and retrain your body's muscle memory to permanently shift you into alignment and out of pain.
What I do not do, is fix your pain through temporary adjustments or massage. With me you won't just 
temporarily strengthen your body's supportive muscles, you will fix the root cause of your pain.

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