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Exercising at Home
Jesse Posture Fitness Coach

Results, Built For Your Body.

Wholistic Fitness Coaching for Busy Professionals!

Lose Fat

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Anchor 1

A coach who Understands your  goals. 



Identify why your body is not changing. 


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Jesse Gaynor Personal Trainer

17+ Years Experience


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Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Workshop
Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Workshop
Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Workshop
Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Workshop


Top 1% of Coaches 


1-1 sessions with clients

23,000+ hours

Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews


Discover how posture fitness helps you look better, eliminates aches, and gets you in shape!

16+ years experience.

Jesse Posture Fitness Coach
Jesse Posture Fitness Coach Reviews
Martin Chavez CFO Goldman Sachs

​I was talking to a colleague at work and he mistakenly thought I was in my late 40’s. I am about to turn 60! It feels exciting and surreal at the same time. With my desk job and my advancing age, I thought I’d never get in shape. My body seemed to be aging quickly, with excess fat, too little muscle, and back and knee pain from poor posture.  I tried everything: expensive trainers, diets, luxury anti-aging doctors, and even private chefs. But no one could give me the results I wanted, until I met Jesse. Within the first week my body started changing. Jesse and I train over Zoom. His skills astonish me: He notices every detail. Zoom, of course, reduces my gym-commute time to zero. Jesse is a fantastic guy. He’s fun-loving, he’s in great shape, and he practices what he preaches. He also works hard to accommodate my schedule, and that means a lot to me. I'm extremely selective when it comes to recommendations within my circles/network, but I can confidently say that Jesse is one of the exceptional few whom I wholeheartedly endorse. He’s worth every minute of your investment.  I wish I had met Jesse earlier; he would have prevented me from experiencing so much frustration, and from wasting so much time doing all the wrong things at the gym. None of that matters now, though. At almost 60 years young, thanks to his guidance, I finally have the healthy, fit, aesthetic body I always wanted.

-Martin Chavez 

CFO Goldman Sachs

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